Sunday, July 15, 2007

The Ladies Reunite???

Hey All! So, yes, it has taken me this long to figure out how to post pictures! Here are a few recent ones of Easton...he's a goober. We had a busy week...Rob's dad and sister were here from SLC and we did all the tourist stuff-saw the Hollywood hand prints, went to the beach etc. We also went to the new Harry Potter movie and we left Easton with a baby sitter for the first time! It was good except for the part where I puked my guts out at the movie theater. That's right...gross. California is good though and we are having a good summer. I have started to reminisce about our college days...remember when we said that we would try and have little reunions at Conference every so often? Well I think we should get that going. October might be a bit ambitious but what about April 2008? I think we could pull it off...if we don't get to planning these things we will never see each other! So mill that over. Hope everyone has a super week...I am going to attempt to hike with Easton in the hiker pack...should be interesting!


Lizzy said...

i still can't believe i've never seen Easton before in person!!! it is driving me crazy - he's so cute!!!

...and look at Rob's big muscles! he's been working out, hasn't he?

i may be able to work April out. i think it'd be really great. do you think you'd want to actually go to conference in Utah or meet up anywhere?

Kari said...

easton's growing up so fast! i'm definitely on board with the reunion idea...lizzy and i had actually been discussing maybe trying to get one together around the holidays this year. i can't make any plans for april at this point until we know where we'll be moving the next month, but let me know if anyone will be in utah the end of december!

Sarah said...

As you know I am avail anytime in SLC. If people choose somewhere else I just might be able to but it would not be as easy.

So Katir why did you throw up? was it a) because you were sad to leave Easton b) bad popcorn or c0 morni9ng sickness? haha

Katie said...

Sarah is hilarious :)

Kari said...

I was thinking the morning sickness thing too, but forgot to write it. I notice you didn't really answer the question though...
Not to mention last time you were pregnant you were quite the good liar when I was asking questions.:)

Katie said...

I am pretty sure I'm not pregnant. I never even had morning sickness anyway...don't worry I'll be sure to let you know when that happens again...hopefully not for another 5 months or so...and the throwing up at the movie theaters was because of a bad headache thank you very much :)

Sarah said...

Hey I forgot to say... My boys have the yellow crazy monkey shirt also! Gotta love Target.