Sunday, November 11, 2007

The Holiday Season

Hey All...
So we have had a crazy last few weeks and it promises to get crazier as we approach Thanksgiving and Christmas. We were in CO for 10 days in mid October. It was fun but it is always hard to be away from home for so long. We got back to LA and after nearly two weeks of vomit and diarrhea on Easton's part we are finally feeling back to normal. won't last long because we are headed to SLC next week for Turkey day and then to CO about 2 weeks later for Christmas. It is madness!!
In more interesting news...We may be moving across the pond! Rob's job has offered him a position heading up their new office in London! It is a lot to think about so we are not quite sure what we are going to do. They have not made their official offer so we don't know what kind of perks moving to the UK might include. Obviously it will be far from family and a culture shock. It would be a great opportunity for Rob though and fun for us to be able to travel around Europe easily. They are looking for a 2 year commitment. We will keep you posted as we get closer to making a decision. If we go it would be in March or April.
Hope all is well with everyone. Here are some pics of our CO trip for the most part... and our little Turtle.


Lizzy said...

Well, I would say that IS exciting news. Bitter sweet news though. As excited as I would be for y'all to have that experience of living in London, I would be sad to see you move so far. I will say that London was my favorite place we visited while in Europe this summer. I think you'd adjust well.

If this does happen, we will have to have our reunion before this for sure!!

Brooke said...

that is so exciting! I would jump on a chance to move to Europe. You would love living in London. Let us know what you guys decide. Congrats!!!

Steph said...

You say London I say I'm SO there!!

Oh and the turtle and amzaing autumn fam photo - could you guys BE any more adorable???