Saturday, April 12, 2008


This has been quite the week for us...we are now practically homeowners.:) As of yesterday we are under contract with the home I fell in love with last weekend in Utah. So in just about a month we should be permanent residents of South Jordan. It was a bit stressful since there were two other offers on the house the same day, but I am so relieved that we got it. The house is 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, about 2600 sq.ft. (including the unfinished basement), and has all the upgrades I've been dreaming about as I watch House Hunters on HGTV! In my last post I showed you pictures of the Oquirrh mountain temple view from the front yard, and mountain view from the back of the house. We really think this will be a great neighborhood to start our family in. I made a slideshow of some pictures I took. Keep in mind it still needs carpet, landscaping, and finishing work, but that will all be done by the time we move in. I'm so excited! Now comes the daunting task of picking out (and paying for) all of those appliances and extras that come with owning a new home. Fun, fun. You are all invited to visit!


Brooke said...

Congrats! I am so excited for you! It looks like a beautiful area!!!

Sarah said...

Kari, Congrats! Getting a new home is so exciting and it is fun shopping for the things to go inside your home. It looks like a great place and I look forward to visiting you guys. Who is the developer? Also did you mention starting a family? Would this be any time soon? Sorry... someone had to ask.

Kari said...

It's Robert Capson Jr. Construction. I agree, the shopping part is fun, but paying for it is not! I can't wait to have you guys over when we get all moved in. As for the family, I promise I have no announcements to make at the moment...sorry to disappoint.:)

Steph said...

That is so exciting but I kinda wished you lived in Hawaii...I want an excuse to go there!