Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Ha! Nope, I ain't got nothing. But I can give you a little Red for your enjoyment...

Dear Red,
I noticed that Brother Wright is teaching a celestial marriage class this semester. I don't really want to be in the class as much as I want to be "in the class" if you know what I mean. How can I make sure I do so?
Celestial Aspirations

Dear Celestial,
Hm...yes, I think I know exactly what you mean and here is what I have to say: if you really want to be 'living' the class rather than just sitting in you need to get the ball rolling with some top notch dates. On a completely unrelated note, I am totally free this weekend...
If you want it here it is,

Dear Red,
In a battle between Batman and Brigham Young who would stand victorious?
Comic-ly Curious

Dear CC,
First of all I can't think of any possible reason these two would ever come head to head but, nevertheless, if such an Armageddous event occurred then I'm pretty sure even Batman's mystical cape and super stealthy moves do not stand a chance against the power of God.
Holy Apostasy Batman,


Brooke said...

I love the "RED" They are SOOO funny! thanks for the post. Oh, and you are HOT! I love it! When are you coming to St. George again...don't you have grandparents here? I think you need to visit! :-)

Steph said...

B-ROOKE! I would love to see you! Let's do now!

Negative on the relatives in St. G - my grams lives here now...speaking of which I probably should go visit her on of these days. Yikes

Lizzy said...

Hey... Hottie, good ones this time.

Actually, I was just wondering if there was an institute class for married couples... Is this for only pre-wed? I think it'd be fun to take a class with the Doug. Cheesy, but fun.