Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Our Utah Trip

My sister-in-law Pirate Amber, Ballerina Kevin :), and baby Logan

Our niece Kate in all her princess glory...who doesn't love gold taffeta!?

Party Princesses....( Try to ignore the huge green princess on the right...Kate insisted that the baby be a ballerina too and wear one of her tutu's...I know you're all wondering how we even got it on, but I think I look more like a flower from the Nutcracker...)

The Pirate Crew ( Steve's Dad, Steve, Nephew Alex, and our sister-in-law Emily)

Kate the Ballerina/Princess... she just stared at her cake forever! All she wanted to eat though was the icing!

Our nephew Alex the Pirate and his cake....

Kristen, Amy, Kate, and Kevin being Princess/Ballerinas!
So we went down to Utah this past weekend...sort of against doctor's orders but he just sent our records with us...and had lots of fun. We spent Friday night at our twin niece and nephew's pirate/princess-ballerina party. It was fun. We got to go with Steve's sister Amy to the temple the next day to take out her endowments for her mission. She leaves on the 24th of this month for the MTC and will just miss our little baby girls debut! ( We might try and be sneaky though and meet up with her at the airport before she leaves).
I've just been working in the school district subbing and most recently doing a test proctoring job. It's been good, although I think I am ready to be done soon. I'm almost 36 weeks and feeling really ready to be done. These pictures really aren't the most flattering so hopefully I can post some more soon so you don't think I really look like and overweight ballerina all the time! :) I'm going in weekly now for my doctor's appointments and anxiously awaiting my due date.
Steve treated me to a prenatal massage at the Sage Day Spa here in Rexburg. It was really nice. Unfortunately, another restless night brought the back soreness right back, but it was nice while it lasted!


Sarah said...

Hooray for you! You are almost there. I just want to say if there are any movies you want to go see, go see them now! Also if you get any chances to take naps before baby is born and after, take them! Good luck.

Lizzy said...

I guess Aubrey didn't want to miss out on meeting Aunty Amy afterall! Congrats Kristen!

This email of you "anxiously awaiting your due date" couldn't have come at a better time.